What we choose to wear makes a statement about who we are - let’s make it wildlife-friendly!

Just like animal-based foods, animal derived materials are inherently unsustainable, requiring vast areas of land and water to produce, whilst emitting huge quantities of greenhouse gas emissions.

Thankfully, we can choose from a plethora of more sustainable, wildlife-friendly material options available.

So how can I ensure my wardrobe is having the smallest impact on wildlife possible?

  • Try buying pre-loved clothes: There are already so many pieces of clothing in already in existence, which have already taken from the planet, and been made by people. We need to ensure they are loved, cared for, and enjoyed.

  • Repairing or repurposing clothes you already have: rather than purchasing new items when something has become worn, you can try to repair or repurpose them rather than throwing them out.

  • If you need to buy something new, ensure the brand you buy from uses wildlife friendly materials.

  • Here are some wildlife-friendly materials you can look out for:

  • Cactus leather

  • Bamboo lyocell

  • Mango waste leather

  • Cork

  • Learn more below about wildlife-friendly fashion below.

Wildlife-friendly fashion

Wildlife-friendly fashion

Need some guidance on what materials should be avoided or which materials you should look out for? No problem - we’ve got you covered!

This free total ethics fashion guide produced by Collective Fashion Justice is a fantastic resource to help you learn what materials harm our planet, and which ones you should be looking out for instead.

Take the pledge to become a wildlife defender today!

Every single person taking important steps to reduce their harm on wildlife are having an impact. Together, we can make a meaningful difference to the native animals we share this land with. Become a Wildlife Defender today!